I am certified as a Master Practitioner in the Energy Leadership Index (ELI). ELI is a proprietary, research backed assessment tool that can be very revealing about how an individual views the world. It assesses how your energy presents itself on a normal day and under stress. How you answer the questions in the assessment uncovers what specific filters you’ve developed and how they may be influencing the results you’re achieving in your life. It’s a great tool towards deeper self-awareness. The ELI assessment can also help an individual understand and harness their energy. Understanding energy levels is often the first step towards positive change. The ELI assessment can be taken at any time. It is done online; you will receive a full report and I will conduct a debrief that lasts about an hour. It’s a great tool to help a client further step into awareness. Alone the cost is $225.00 but I include it at no additional cost in my 10 session package.